Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Update on Football information

2010 Attentive Football Calendar

· June ….M,W,F….6am-9am conditioning (June 2-30th)

· July 5th to July 8th Football Camp CEU

· July 12th-July 16th-Break No Practice

· July 19th to Aug. 6th practice-no pads Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 6-9

· July Card Sales

· August 9th, Two a Day’s practices(pads)Start 6-9am 6-8pm

· August-McDonalds’s Football Night

9th Graders are invited to open practices but WILL be apart of the WESTLAKE YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE. 9th graders must be registered by June 30th at All equipment and uniforms will be issued through the WYFBL.

EQUIPMENT: will be issued June 25th and June 30th at 9 am. Camp fee, spirit fee must be paid along with your paperwork turned in to Sharon. The financial office is open Monday and Wednesday from 7-2. Any questions you can reach Sharon on her cell at 801-859-7139 (office 801-610-8815 ext. 414) **SHARON WILL COLLECT PAPERWORK PRIOR TO PRACTICE EACH MORNING!

EXCUSED ABSENCES: Please e-mail Sharon so she can record what days you will be missing conditioning. She will notify the coaches. e-mail…… (801-610-8815 ext. 348-voicemail)

GRADES: Westlake High School Policy is you can have NO UNEARNED CREDIT from the previous school year. 2009-2010 you MUST have passed every class. You must make up any F’s or I’s from the previous year to be eligible to represent WHS this coming fall. You have 2 options:

1. East Shore – See WHS Website to register and get more information!
Session 1 Session 2
June 1 - June23 July 26 - Aug 19
Mon - Thur 10am - 2pm Mon - Thur 10am - 2pm

2. Alpine School District EXTENDED YEAR Classes- go to Alpine School District web site.


Participation fee………………..$60.00* (Due August 1,2010)

CEU Football Camp……………$220.00(Dune June 28,2010)

Spirit Pack………………………See options below-

1. New player= this is for players who have never been in our program. Cost is $110. This contains the bare minimum equipment that players need to participate. (Contains practice jersey, shorts, shirt, knee pads, game socks, and girdle).

2. Kahuna package= this contains everything the new player pack has, plus some extras. Cost is $160. (Contains Practice jersey, shorts, shirt, knee pads, game socks, compression t-shirt, compression long sleeve shirt, compression shorts, girdle)

3. Veteran= this option is only avalible for those who played for us last year and want to use some of their gear from last season. Cost is $55. (contains Practice jersey, shorts, shirt, and game socks).

Compression option package-$105 (compression t-shirt, compression long sleeve shirt, compression shorts)

(Due June 28,2010)

Optional Additional Purchases…..(Available through the Athletic Department/proof of payment required/receipt)

Athletic Sweats………..$84.00 Duffle Bag…………….$25.00

* Fee Waiver can apply*

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